Software Installations

Installation of Linux Mint on Computers/ Single Board Computing (SBC) Devices

  1. Download Linux Mint 21 from the official website:
    Click on the installation guide to follow the steps to install Linux Mint OS.
  2. To create bootable disk:
  3. Once bootable disk is setup, click next or follow the steps mentioned in the link below:
  4. To install Linux Mint:
  5. Detailed video instructions to install Linux alongside the existing Windows OS are available at the following website:

Installation of necessary Softwares using Debian file on Linux Mint OS

To install necessary softwares using Debian file on Linux Mint OS, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the .deb file to download the debian file.


  2. Once the file is downloaded, double click on the debian file to open the installation window, and select install package.
    Locate the debian file, Open terminal there and type the command: 
              sudo  dpkg  -i  filename.deb
  3. Once you have successfully installed the software,open the terminal (Press Ctrl +Alt+T on Keyboard) and enter the following commands: 
              sudo  apt  update  
              sudo  apt  upgrade

  4. The above commands require a stable internet connection with the system.

Installation of required Softwares:

NOTE: The softwares (debian package) can either be downloaded from their official website link which is provided in the following sections or from the “SOFTWARE MANAGER” located in Linux Mint menu.

  1. Scratch 3.0
    Open the Software Manager on Linux Mint and search for Scratch and click install (from mint or from Flathub).

  2. VS CODE

  3. Blender v.3.0.1
    – Download the zip file.
    – Extract and click on the Blender file to run the application.

  4. Sonic-Pi 
    Download the debian file from above link and locate the downloaded file, open terminal there and run the command:  
              sudo  dpkg  -i  sonic-pi_4.3.0_1_ubuntu22.04.amd64.deb
    If any error is encountered during installation, then enter the command:
              apt –fix-broken install
    – Then re-run the installation. 

  5. Kojo
    (installation instructions are given under Linux/Unix section).

  6. GIMP
    Open the terminal (Press Ctrl +Alt+T on Keyboard) and enter:
               sudo apt-get install gimp
    Open software manager on Linux Mint and search for ‘gimp’ and click install. 

  7. Pinta
    Open the terminal (Press Ctrl +Alt+T on Keyboard) and enter:
               sudo apt-get install pinta
    – Open software manager on Linux Mint.
    – Search for Pinta.
    – Click install. 

  8. Google Chrome 

  9. Govin IDE and Fritzing